Gloss of the Day: CHANEL Glossimer Sundress.

For the perfect pink with a hint of gold shimmer, this CHANEL Glossimer in Sundress cannot be beat. It is a very sheer pink, more sheer than most Glossimers, but the subtle golden shimmer makes this extra special, especially outside in natural light, as the gold really seems to shine through.

Price: $27.00
Availability: CHANEL counters,

CHANEL Sublimage Essential Revitalizing Concentrate.

CHANEL has done it again, by adding another superior product to its line up of Sublimage skin care.  This serum, Sublimage Essential Revitalizing Concentrate is taking skin rejuvenation to the next level.

This serum is formulated with Golden Champa PFA, an ultra-pure ingredient derived from the legendary Golden Flower of the Himalayas, which has been used in traditional Amchi medicine for centuries to help revitalize the body. Purified to its most potent essence, this natural ingredient decongests cells and frees them of toxins, restoring them to their most vital, youthful state.

With its excluvie formulation of the rare and potent ingredients, plus the fact that this is CHANEL Sublimage, do not be too shocked with the high price tag. Sublimage Essential Revitalizing Concentrate costs $425.00 for 1 oz., which comes in an airless pump to preserve its high quality.  It is available now at, specialty stores & select department stores