Tarte with Heart.

Now this is what I call heart!

bca_tarte.jpgTarte Cosmetics is donating 20% of the proceeds from the sale of their "Pretty in Pink" items. And what do I mean by items? I mean they are donating 20% of the proceeds from the sale of not one, not two - but 5 different products! How nice are they?

They are contributing the proceeds to the Young Survival Coalition, a support network for women under 40 living with breast cancer.

And during the month too, they will feature a guest columnist, Maurey Lancaster, discuss her experience as a breast cancer survivor. She’ll blog about her diagnosis and chemotherapy experience, offer helpful beauty tips for those undergoing treatments, and most importantly she’ll give women of all ages a sense of hope. Be sure to stop by and read her words of wisdom and inspiration.



Many say that the eyes are the window to your soul. And your eyebrows are their perfect frame.

As I am trying to perfect my frame, I am first growing in my eyebrows. And I. Hate. It. 

You see, in a few weeks I have an appointment with one of the eyebrow queens. And I was told that I should not wax, pluck, tweeze - do anything to them until the appointment. I hate the straggly hairs. They are growing every which way - ugh! I am filling them in as much as I can with eyebrow pencil, but they are a mess.

I wondered if there were any way possible to get them to grow in faster, so they look at least a little more uniform. In doing my research, I found a product called appropriately enough, Eye Grow Brows! from Ramy Beauty Therapy. Packed into a mascara like tube is a clear gel enriched with Aloe Vera, Wheat Protein, and Yeast Extract.

Hmmm. I have been applying it nightly before bed, and my eyebrows are really beginning to fill in. I honestly do not know if it is the formula working it's magic or not , as I have not grown in my eyebrows like for in years. But if it is making me think that they are growing in faster, then that is good enough for me.

Eye Grow Brows! is $25. Ramy has some other innovative products on his website as well, so be sure to check it out.

Emmy's Eyebrows.

For a little recap on the Emmy awards - I have to bring attention to the eyebrows of our various young tv starlets.

I love these ladies - but what happened to their eyebrows? Is a little shaping of the eyebrow not a part of their beauty routine anymore? Where was Elke (our own beauty blogging eyebrow queen)?

Case in point:


She could have used a little trim here.




Just a little more off the bottom, please.



Has she even heard of tweezers?


Ladies - I so hate to criticize, but these women spend hours to get ready and have so many "pros" available at their disposal. I just don't know how these brows could have been overlooked.