Stay-at-Home Style

Stay-at-Home Style

What’s your stay-at-home style… Are you a messy bun kind of girl or are you into a chic ponytail? Do you still like to glam up your hair? Have you been wearing “real clothes” with buttons and zippers, dressy on the top, pj’s on the bottom or do you prefer a set of trendy sweats?

I am all of the above in one way or the other. For months it was a messy bun and trendy sweats. Then I started to sort of get it together with dressy on the top and sweats or pj’s on the bottom. Lately, I am more real clothes and real hairstyles more days than not, but it’s all that I like to call my own “stay-at-home-casual-chic”.

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10 Tips to Look & Feel Younger

10 Tips to Look & Feel Younger

The secret to looking and feeling younger is a loaded one. It may have a different meaning, but it is something that my friends and family ask me all the time.

“Teri, do you have any tips to look any younger?”. Well, sure I do. But to look younger, you need to feel young, too.

Some of these tips may seem obvious, but it’s just because researchers have done many experiments to find ways to slow down the aging process. Sure, there are some extra things we can do, but I would say that the most important thing for us to do is to be consistent in living an overall healthy lifestyle and that means some type of activity and good eating habits.

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bareMinerals Original Liquid Mineral Concealer

bareMinerals Original Liquid Mineral Concealer

If there is one makeup item that I am always searching for to one-up the next, it is a concealer. I have very high standards when it comes to concealer.

It goes without saying that I am no spring chicken. I have lots of years and problem areas that need help with a great concealer. Sure, I have my list of favorite concealers which I do add too often, but when I new concealer comes onto the beauty scene, I do give it a good try.

One new concealer to the beauty scene that I was excited to try was the new bareMinerals Original Liquid Mineral Concealer.

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