Bobbi Brown Copper Diamond and Party Collections!

This holiday, Bobbi Brown’s Copper Diamond Collection is the modern way to look simply stunning!

The limited-edition collection features Bobbi’s new Copper Diamond Shimmer Brick which combines five different shades (candelight, gold, copper, beige and sand) to create a soft warm golden copper glow. This is so perfect for the Holidays! I could see myself using it all winter long in fact.

Now, this is a fab idea, as Bobbi has added Glitter Lip Balm to her holiday line-up. Glitter

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Holiday at Bond No. 9.

I can dream, can't I? I am not even really into fragrance, but I want these just because... Well, look at how beautiful these bottles are. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!

Holiday ‘08 at Bond No. 9 goes from understated to shamelessly luxurious!

Bleecker Street Bejeweled $395


The choice this holiday for the annual “Swarovski treatment” is Bleecker Street (a gourmand oriental mingling of patchouli, cassis, caramel, woods, and musk).  The limited-edition 100ml lime green-chartreuse-amethyst-gold starburst watercolor flacon is studded, back and front, with a

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Affordable Beauty Solutions from Avon.

The economic outlook may be dire, but your style forecast is sunny thanks to accessible luxuries from Avon. No matter what your budget in these tough times, Avon has an affordable beauty solution to keep you pretty and pampered all season long. From hair care shortcuts to makeup must-haves, treat yourself without breaking the bank courtesy of Avon:

TOUCH-UP TRICKS: Hair coloring appointments are costly, not to mention time consuming. Save on constant trips to the salon with the Avon Advance Techniques Grey Root Touch-Up ($3.49). Camouflage grays and roots with this mess-proof mascara-like brush, ensuring a targeted, quick-dry application and go a little longer between appointments.


STRIKE IT RICH: Get rich quick-color rich, that is-with a gold-infused lipstick that lets you treat yourself to the ultimate in color luxury. Avon's latest lush lipstick,

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