Getting Healthy with Nutrisystem: Week 2.

Into my second week with Nutrisystem, I have learned that for me, planning is crucial. Most importantly, I need to plan my day around my food.

Like I said in my week 1 update, this plan includes a lot of food. To keep on track, I need to plan what I am going to eat and when I am going to eat it. I need to plan my grocery shopping, because there are only certain foods that I can supplement with. I am super thankful for the brand name shopping list that my friend Nancy (who just so happens to have her very own successful Nutrisystem story) pointed me to. It is one of the many things that Nutrisystem provides as far as support.

Nutrisystem Grocery Shopping List

In addition to planning the food that I am going to eat and shop for, I need to plan my exercise, because that is very important to the success of Nutrisystem. The plan suggests doing 10 minutes of exercise three times a day for a total of 30 minutes. For those that do not exercise on a daily basis, this is easy to plan. I already have a pretty consistent exercise schedule, so this is simple for me, as I walk for 35-40 minutes every morning already. It was actually the easiest part of my planning this week.

See also: Getting Healthy with Nutrisystem Introduction

With all my planning, I managed to stay on track this week and saw another good weight loss. This week I lost 3 pounds, bringing my total weight loss to -7.5 pounds.


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Disclosure: As part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program, Nutrisystem is providing me with the Nustrisystem program, free of charge, which includes food and support, in exchange for my honest opinion of the program. No other compensation has been given. All thoughts are my own.