M·A·C Grey Friday.
/It's not Black Friday in M·A·C's world; it's Grey Friday. Today M·A·C launches a very special lipstick and nail lacquer to celebrate the beginning of the holiday shopping season.
Celebrate the busiest shopping day of the year with M·A·C Grey Friday, a colour-coordinated Lipstick and Nail Lacquer duo in dark, sultry shades. Featuring M·A·C Grey Friday Lipstick, a black-grey with silver shimmer, and M·A·C Grey Friday Nail Lacquer, with silver suede pearl.
Grey Friday Lipstick - $15.00
Blackish-grey with silver shimmer (frost)
Grey Friday Nail Lacquer - $16.00
Grey Friday Black with silver suede pearl (frost)
Now I can't really get into a grey lipstick, though it is not as dark or pigmented as it looks, but I am definitely into the Grey Friday Nail Lacquer.
M·A·C Grey Friday is available only at the M·A·C Times Square store in New York City or online at maccosmetics.com.